Anubis on Palworld


#100 Anubis

Element Ground

Tier SS

HP 120

DEF 100


Work Speed 100

ATK Melee 130

ATK Shot 130

Time Whole Day

Anubis Breeding Guide Vanwyrm + Anubis= Faleris

Anubis Work Suitability Handiwork Lv4, Transporting Lv2, Mining Lv3

Anubis Drops Bone, Large Pal Soul, Innovative Technical Manual

Anubis’ Type & Skills

Anubis, may be the strongest Groung – Type Pal on Palworld, like been a bulky and Agile, wasn’t enought, he comes whit a set of Skills that are made for Doing a great amount of Damage , specially the ones on the lastests levels , here you have a list and decription of Anubi’s Skills Sets:

Anubis Skills

Skill Name Level Type Description Power Cooldown (s) Range
Anubis Partner Skill Guardian of the Desert When fighting together, applies Ground damage to the player’s attacks. Sometimes dodges attacks with a high speed sidestep while in a battle.
Stone Blast 1 Anubis Active Skill 1 Fires a barrage of stones forward. 55 10 500 – 4000
Power Bomb 7 Anubis Active Skill 2 Charges a massive amount of energy before firing a large destructive ball. 70 15 1000 – 9999
Sand Tornado 15 Anubis Active Skill 3 Generates two sand tornadoes on either side before launching them at an enemy. 80 18 100 – 3000
Spinning Roundhouse 22 Anubis Active Skill 4 Performs a spin kick with its strong legs, cutting down enemies over a wide area. 100 21 0 – 300
Forceful Charge 30 Anubis Active Skill 5 Pursues its foe with a high speed dash while releasing energy and unleashes a powerful punch. 120 28 1500 – 5000
Ground Smash 40 Anubis Active Skill 6 Leaps high into the air before diving to the ground with a punch. The force of the impact deals damage over a wide area. 140 35 0 – 5000
Rock Lance 50 Anubis Active Skill 7 Generates a sharp rock spear under an enemy. 150 55 100 – 9999



Anubis Work Suitability

Having three Work Types makes Anubis pertty usefull at the base, outstandig on the Handiwork, so he will speeds up your crafting work on all your Structures and Weapons

Work Type Level
Handiwork Lv4
Transporting Lv2
Mining Lv3


Anubis’ Drops

Here is the lists of Drops you can get by Defeating Anubis:

Anubis Drops
Large Pal Soul
Technical Manual

Anubis’ Location

On this areas is where more chances you can have of catching a Anubis, high rate encounter.

anubis location palworld