Palworld Vortex Extension | Download Palworld MOD Manager

Palworld Vortex Extension is a MOD that incorporates the compatibility of this MOD Manager with Palworld. If you are tired of having to be installing individually each of the MODs in Palworld, as well as having to split them into different folders (and all the additional previous steps that this implies), this is the perfect solution for you.

Palworld Vortex Extension

Palworld Vortex Extension

Version – v0.1.1
Created by Insomnious
Game Version – v0.1.3.0
File Size – 414KB
Updated: 31/01/2024
Popularity: High


With this MOD you will be able to enjoy all the advantages offered by a MOD Manager like Vortex inside Palworld:

  • It will automatically install any MOD you want in the appropriate folder (you know there are a couple of different folders)
  • Automatically detects the game and its folder.
  • Installs the UE4SS Signatures file so that you don’t have to do it yourself.

In conclusion, this is the best solution if you are going to install numerous MODs or want to be constantly changing them (although if you control the manual process and already have it set up, it’s not that big of a difference either).

How to install Palworld Vortex Extension in Vortex

  1. Download and unzip the file
  2. Drag the file to the Vortex extension page.
  3. Restart Vortex.

Once this is done, you should be able to install and manage your MODs the correct way.